Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day Two

Today was another wonderful day. When we arrived in the village, we were greeted by all the young children who were not in school. Many of them were wearing their Kidzone shirts and were as excited to see us as we were to see them. They made us feel so welcomed and loved.
To start off the day, we were treated to a tour of some of the coffee "fields". I say fields but they are actually on a steep mountainside. Several of us ended up on our derrières at some point on our hike! The farmer, Henry, who shared with us about the crop, walked as easily as a sure-footed mountain lion. Henry also shared that he has paid off his Argos loan, so he now owns the land.
On our way back up the hill to have lunch, it started to rain. We were a somewhat soggy lunch bunch!
After lunch, Kidzone began, and today we had even more kids. Ashley did an awesome job teaching the kids that God is always with them, and the singing was a blast. Elise led us beautifully with help from Ethan and Stephen.
It wasn't very long after the singing ended and small groups began that the heavens opened up. Now I know that as Pitsburghers you think you know what that saying means, but, trust us, you don't! It was a monsoon. Kate's group, the Orange group, was in the pavilion which has a corrugated steel roof. It was so loud we could not hear each other speak. Since we finished our lesson early, we started "Singing in the Rain", literally. Kate and Josey taught hand motions and danced and sang with the smiling children, all the while being observed by half of the village adults who were seated under the roof. We also taught the Hokey-Pokey.
The Blue group led by Brian and Elise were outside at games when the monsoon hit, along with the game masters: Ethan, Sam, Stephen, and Taylor! They were drenched several times over, but still managed to help the Kidzone kids have fun.
The Green team who were with Bill and Ashley, enjoyed the relative dryness of the school where they were completing the craft.  They did not get wet until they had to walk across the muddy puddles in a normal Pittsburgh heavy rain back to the pavilion.
As you can tell, it was even more chaos today, but all of us had a marvelous day. We were not even worried when we were told that our bus driver was concerned we might not be able to drive out successfully because the roads might be too muddy. I guess we all felt God's presence and pleasure today as we loved and were loved in return. We left the village today "full!"

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